my favorite things

ballett. danced for a year. i always want to return. writing and reading about ballet once in a while because it makes me feel beautiful. reggis. my favorite thing. dilemma between want the gap between my teeth back or if i want braces. huge braces. apartemento. generally beautiful apartments. and people living in them. found the nicest apartment when googlin ugly apartment the other day. i ave this big thinking period about the self portrait zine im makin. because i want to finish it, but i know it never will be finished because finish to me means finish in mind and i will always be in change, but the same person. just dont know which of them or which way i will be on paper. will sneak a couple of samples into the shelves @ trondsmo bookshop. go n get one asa its "finished".


  1. i think you have such an intresting view on life

  2. I really like your choice of photos and your writting, toujours très pertinent et intelligent

    bonne journée

  3. <3 lovely, so glad you're blogging again.

  4. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<3
