broken iphone, people, cought on the train without a ticket, vodkashots, gr†llgr†ll, cut in natt+dag, photograph, photographed, lost 5000, depression, happiness, cigarettes, tjøme, cyberspace-friends, stockholm, paint, good grades, salem, coffee, not fallen in love, expensive beauty products, david lynch, 100th bday, mika, amanda nørgaard, bleikøya, coke zero, black headband, quba, cheap wine, cheap lunch/mcdonalds, more people, greasy hair, nylon socks, vanilla yoghurt, poison lips, brown paper bags, dreamcrusher, getting a cold in the summer


  1. lol you sound like a copycat of nadda noor

  2. ano: hahahaha who are u?

  3. the first picture is amazing

  4. haha now I'm curious, who's nadda noor? :D

    merry x-mas emmalove

  5. ah is this her http://twitter.com/naddanoor ? (haha I googled..)
    yes I can check ip-addresses! do it all the time heheh *stalker*

  6. That'd be a lovely life, dear. :)

  7. i dont use twitter, must be old. i wonder who this random person is.

  8. it's me, bertil karjunkle from the german church in london.

    nadda, don't you remember that sweet night we had together in late 60s? we drank some strawberry soda in my parents garden in Köln, Germany. you were about 13, i three years older, 16. the next day you were gone. i've loved you ever since.

    and then, a few days ago i found this blog. felt that emma sounded exactly like you. that you 2 know eachother make me very happy. true happiness.

    i have to meet you again. over 40 years filled with question marks. where do you live? do you ever think of me? childen, famialy? everything.

    please nadda noor, answer.

    love you.

  9. bertil: i have just watched pulp fiction and i thought my mood couldn't get any weirder, but your comment just made me feel very "oh my jesus whatta crazy world"

  10. oh my god (yeh, ugly words, but true!!!!)

    this is crazy
