foto joanna pallari

im turning myself to deamons


  1. I absolutely love these photos <3


  2. your choice of photos is always spot on. thanks for posting!

  3. hah,
    i was today talking with my friend about deamons.
    she was at one competition and they gave her paper with number 14 and someone changed it and then she had number 13. her assistant said that demons will be with you today.
    the point is, that the actual day she had a dream and in the dream one demon talked with her, said what she has to do and some other thing too. her assistant didn't know about the dream.
    coincidence on not, but I kind of love the story she told me.

  4. sorry,I forgot one more thing, the competition was between designers and everyone had show, after the show her boyfriend told her, that also the song was 3rd one on the cd.
