it is nice to wake up and there is rain outside. there have been rain all night too, but you have slept through that. dreamt about confusing menus at american diners and suddenly be a boy, running up the stairs in the staircase of your fathers former studio. on the top of the stairs, there will be a lot of photo-umbrellas and other kinds of lamps. people talking, encourage you to talk, but there are no words. no sounds. no fiction in this. wish my dreams could last forever.


  1. i always look forward to your posts, because they are so unconventionally beautiful :)

  2. sondre: takk!
    ella: i always look forward to your comments because you fill me with nice comments, makes me smile<3<3

  3. model emma <3333 hihi

  4. Anonymous8/8/10 14:59

    inspiring photos! and i love it when it rains while i'm lying in bed and being awake, it's like your in an other world for a minute.

  5. Anonymous8/8/10 15:09

    i really like your blog.
    hhow old are you?

  6. anonym: i am 14, turn 15 the 20th of august!

  7. anonymous (william)8/8/10 17:13

    så iste akkurat så vidt gjennom bloggen din og tenkte du var rundt 18/19,hehee.
    du kommer nok til å bli en fast del av min internett runde fremover:)

  8. william: woho! takk! takk for begge deler. hvordan fant du meg? har du en blogg?

  9. nei, desverre, langt ifra.
    tror ikke jeg ville gjort det så veldig bra på en blogg :)

  10. var vel veldig tilfeldig at jeg fant deg.
    søkte på noe på google(noe med sigrid agren), også klikket jeg visst meg inn på bloggen din :)
