edgy letter-extra virgin olive oil

i want to start dancing ballet. but i think i am too old, unfortunately. i danced when i was 6-7, and everyone said that i really had the ballet in my body, but i quit. don't understand why! now i want to dance again. be happy. have friends. go to stockholm. paris. write a novel/shortstory. i just got a shortstory back from my norwegian teacher, and she said she hadn't read anything better on a very long time. want to bring someone to my cold summerhouse and write. take a cold bath before the jellyfishes comes(jellyfishes! wiwi! nice word.) i hope you all are fine. homework about jesus, than new acne jeans!


  1. i can totally go to your cold summer house with you! and go to paris with you! and i lovelovelove the word jellyfish.

  2. i wish i had a summer house. im so tired of living in an ugly apartment in the suburb :/
    i love this picture! and i guess the jeans are a-mazing
    hope your ok xxx

  3. i wish i had a summer house. im so tired of living in an ugly apartment in the suburb :/
    i love this picture! and i guess the jeans are a-mazing
    hope your ok xxx

  4. i wish i had a summer house. im so tired of living in an ugly apartment in the suburb :/
    i love this picture! and i guess the jeans are a-mazing
    hope your ok xxx

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  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. ......... ok im not sure how i could post 7 comments on one time but im sorry for that

  8. Sounds wonderful! I wish I could go to Paris too and have a summerhouse.. I'd love to read something of you!

    And it's great to hear that we both share a passion for Pete!<3

  9. I want to start dancung too, and I don't think you're to old. If you want to start dancing ballet I think you should start dancing ballet. Very often I feel that I just want to take the first best airplane and go to Paris, but I don't got the money:(

  10. ballet seems lovely! i used to dance around that age, and people told me the same thing that i had the ballet body. and i quit as well! sometimes i want to go back and do it again! xx

  11. Anonymous19/3/10 07:39

    Хорошая статья. Действительно было интересно почитать. Не часто такое и встречается та.Наверное стоит подписаться на ваше RSS

  12. Lola Solever20/3/10 09:52

    How much is for an Acne Jeans ?

  13. It is 1400 norwegian kroner.

  14. Det er aldri for seint. Begynn å danse. Du vil bli overraska over hvor fort du blir ganske flink!

  15. vill du lägga upp shortstoryn du skrev? blev lite nyfiken när din lärare sa att den var så bra. jag tror inte man kan bli för gammal för att börja på balett, gör det om du vill!

  16. i'll come to your cold summer house and take pictures pictures pictures
